
药剂技术员vs. 药剂师


药剂技术员vs. 药剂师

对很多美国人来说, 能否获得负担得起的处方药可能是过上相对正常生活和患有限制性健康并发症之间的区别. 药物是用来治疗许多健康问题的,需要熟练的专业人员来准确地处理处方, 选择正确的剂量, 并向患者解释重要信息,如相互作用和副作用.

Both pharmacists and 药学技术人员s help fulfill this role, but with different levels of responsibility and education. 完全了解药学技术人员和药剂师在日常工作中的不同,可以帮助那些有兴趣选择药学职业道路的人.


药学技术人员 work under the supervision of licensed pharmacists, assisting with various tasks that define the day-to-day operations of a pharmacy. 药学技术人员帮助药剂师提供高效、有效的药学服务, 确保患者在遵守监管标准的同时获得所需的药物.

药学技术人员 most frequently work in pharmacies and drugstores. They can also work in other environments where medication m管理是必要的, 比如养老院, 医院, 以及制药企业,在那里他们可能会履行职责,比如配药.

药学技术人员 Duties and Responsibilities

药剂师的主要职责是为病人配药. 这包括根据病人的需要选择合适的药物, 如剂量强度, 质量, 以及药物的形式. 药房技术人员还负责确认有关处方补充请求和保险的信息, often working with patients to find the best discounts or price adjustments.

药学技术人员 regularly interact with patients as part of their job. They are responsible for answering any questions about the medication, informing patients of any interactions or side effects, and how the medication should be taken to be most effective. They may also assist with 行政 aspects, such as ensuring a full inventory and restocking, 接听Phone, reaching out to patients on the status of their refills, 并帮助培训新员工. 


药学技术人员 must have a blend of pharmaceutical, 行政, and customer support experience to perform their duties. 为了确保优质的服务,以下是药学技术人员应该寻求建立的一些技能.

  • 医药知识. 药学技术人员必须对药物特性有全面的了解,才能回答病人的问题, 准确填写处方单, and compound or create customized medications.
  • 客户服务. 许多病人指望药房技术人员的指导和帮助,涉及他们的药物. 了解如何与患者互动并快速有效地为他们提供最好的护理是至关重要的. 这是保持良好工作流程的一个关键方面,同时让患者获得他们需要的药物, answering simple prescription related questions, 并寻求监督药剂师提供更详细的咨询,如果需要的话.
  • 详细的方向. 药学技术人员 deal with dozens of medications throughout the day. Ensuring the right medication ends up in the right place is vital for this career. 如果在选择和分配药物方面出现错误,可能会对患者造成危险的后果.
  • 组织技能. There are several responsibilities 药学技术人员s need to manage, including following the supervising physician’s direction, 协助病人, 保持准确的库存, 帮助配药. 通过练习良好的组织能力, pharmacy techs can better multitask while remaining efficient.


While the positions of 药学技术人员 vs. 药剂师负责类似领域, pharmacists take a more lead position and are able to work independently. 药剂师s ensure a patient’s health and safety when it comes to prescriptions, making sure the workplace and all pharmacy services maintain regulatory standards. 药剂师必须拥有博士学位,在获得执照之前必须通过多项考试.

药剂师s regularly work in 医院 and mobile healthcare services, 药店和药店也有. 从事临床或咨询工作的药剂师可能是跨学科护理团队的一部分, 与医生合作,建议选择最能治疗病人病情的药物.


药剂师s share many of the same responsibilities as 药学技术人员s, but pharmacists typically perform without supervision. 药剂师还负责按照患者的医疗保健提供者的要求开具处方,并提供有关药物的专家咨询. 除了关于药物的建议,药剂师还能够提供一般健康咨询. 此外,药剂师能够给病人注射免疫或其他疫苗. 

作为团队的领导者, 药剂师还负责监督和培训他们的药学技术人员团队.


Because they are leaders in their workplace, pharmacists need a slightly different skill set to perform their job. While pharmacists should build many of the same skills as 药学技术人员s, here are a few additional skills pharmacists should establish.

  • 沟通技巧. 药剂师需要准确有效地将信息传递给他们的团队以及与患者一起工作的任何医生. 他们还需要向患者传达有关任何药物的重要信息.
  • 领导能力. 作为药房的领导者, 拥有团队的药剂师需要指导技术人员,因为白天的工作重点发生了变化. It falls to the pharmacist to keep their teams motivated and on the same page.

Differences Between 药学技术人员 and 药剂师

One main difference between a 药学技术人员 vs. pharmacist is the education required to pursue each position. 药剂师s require a Doctor of Pharmacy degree, 在完成相关的前提教育后,至少需要四年的时间. 药学技术人员, 另一方面, could complete a training program at a school such as Fortis, which can usually be completed in about a year or less.  因为他们需要较少的培训, 药学技术人员可以比药剂师更快地开始他们的职业生涯. 

药学技术人员也只能提供帮助并回答有关处方的简单问题. Otherwise, they need the assistance of a pharmacist. 在一般情况下, 药剂师有更大的自主权,可以在没有监督的情况下工作, while a pharmacy tech will always need the supervision of a licensed pharmacist.

药剂技术员vs. 药剂师:工作前景

根据美国.S. 劳工统计局(BLS), 2022年至2032年间,药剂师的就业机会预计将增长3%, which is about the same as what’s projected for the U.S. 整个就业市场.

劳工统计局预计,同期药学技术人员的就业增长率将高于6%的平均水平. This robust employment growth is due to many factors, says the BLS. 其中包括药学技术人员帮助覆盖传统药剂师角色的各个方面的能力, 由于许多药剂师预计将从零售药房职位过渡到更广泛的临床或咨询角色.

Learn More 关于 a Career as a 药学技术人员

While both careers offer an excellent means of entering the pharmaceutical field, a key question to ask is how long it may take to start a 药学技术人员 vs. 药剂师职业. 对于那些想在工作中获得经验而不需要先花几年时间接受教育的人, it’s worth considering the benefits of the Fortis 药学技术人员 training program.

这个培训英国正版365官方网站提供了学习药学工作基础的机会, including how to efficiently and effectively fill prescriptions, 提供优质的客户服务, and accurately navigate insurance for payments. With the help of dedicated instructors and a hands-on learning environment, 这个英国正版365官方网站是开始你的制药职业生涯的一个很好的方式……试水,看看你是否喜欢这个职业道路,而不需要多年的前期教育投资.

Learn how you can begin a new career journey with Fortis.

How 药学技术人员s Can Help Seniors Understand Their Medications
How 药学技术人员s Work with 药剂师s

Indeed, “Job Description for a 药学技术人员: Primary Duties”
事实上,“药剂技师vs .药剂师”. 药剂师:4个关键区别”
Indeed, “What Is a Day Like in the Life of a 药剂师?”
U.S. 劳工统计局,药剂师
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 药学技术人员s